School staff
Members of the school professional staff, (general education teachers, special education teachers, school psychologists, behavioral specialists, school administrators are all impottant team members. This team reviews school reports, testing and other data to determine if a student qualifies for special educaiton services. If the student is found eligible for services the team again meets to develop the individualized education program(IEP)
Mandated team members
The Individuals with Disabiity Education Act (IDEA) says parents are partners in special education meetings about their child. IDEA does not consider if parents have needed knowledge about how regulations and data presented in meeting. Expert adovcates empower parents with that understanding.
Special education advocate
I have extensive experience as a special education advocate, teacher, school psychologist, and national program development director, conference presented and professional training on the needs of students from preschool to adulthood. My focus is to improve educational outcomes for all students by helping parents understand how current educational policy and school student data collection and test results impact students success.
Student with disability
IDEA says students, too, are important team members. Your child can explain what works and where instrucitonal accommodations or modifications are needed.